5 Steps To A Happier, More Productive Morning


After years of hitting snooze 17 times in a row and chronically being late for, well, everything.. I can finally say that I am a morning person.  It has enhanced my happiness and productivity in so many ways and I want to share with you some tips for taking charge of your day and starting off right.  

People think I’m crazy, but I wake up before 5 am.  

It’s what I have conditioned myself to do and it’s quite magical having almost 2 hours to myself before the rest of the house wakes up and the chaos of potty time, breakfast, stuffing backpacks and finding homework begins.  I am a wife, mother, work 2 jobs and now a blogger.  I’m also trying to make healthy choices, lose the love handles, meditate and be the ringleader of the circus.  We all have the same 24 hours in a day, but damn - the struggle is real!

So why is it important to have a morning routine? 

Aside from the obvious of having that precious time to yourself, the way you start your day sets your mood for the rest of your day.  When you can leave the house knowing that you already did more than 5 productive things before most people get up, you will likely keep that productive momentum going all day.  

Here are the 5 things that I implemented into my morning routine that have been absolute game changers for my well being and productivity.  

  1. Wake up early!  - This sounds like a no-brainer, but if you look at the habits of highly successful people, they ALL  have this in common.  This will give you the opportunity to do things that are important to YOU, not anyone else.  If you are really not a morning person, start by waking up 15 min earlier than you usually do, then gradually adjust when you are ready.

  2. Drink a glass of water and take supplements - Without fail, before anything else I drink water.  Sometimes I put apple cider vinegar in it, but mostly just plain old tap water.  The benefits are huge and it feels good to start the day hydrated.  Water helps to flush toxins, decrease bloating, improve energy and can prevent diseases. I also take a vitamin B complex and probiotics, but this is totally up to you and your needs.  Yes, I do this before coffee!  And don’t you worry, that’s my reward when my 5 habits are complete.  Because let's be real.  Who can really function without coffee?  Not I. 

  3. Meditate - Right after I slam a glass or 2 of water, I wash my hands, light a candle and meditate.  Sometimes I put on a guided meditation, sometimes I let my mind wander and sometimes I practice Reiki on myself for additional healing and support.  Regardless, I find some intention for the day, and I focus on all the things I have to be thankful for.  Meditation has endless benefits, but has definitely been proven to reduce stress, control anxiety, enhance self awareness, and lengthen attention span just to name a few.  Any other moms out there need help with any of those?  Yes, please!  I’ll keep it up. 

  4. Exercise - some say it’s obsessive, but for me it’s a total stress relief and I crave movement.  When I didn’t exercise first thing in the morning, I would stress all day about when I would fit it in, then be too tired when I did have time at 9:00pm.  30 min a day is realistic and has awesome benefits like enhancing metabolism, thinking clearer and staying strong.

  5. Make a To-Do List - now this is usually never ending, but I prioritize my top 3 things that I need to accomplish that day, and try to do the most difficult one first.  Sometimes, I add family dinner and couch cuddling to the to-do list if I feel like this is a top priority.  After these 3 get done, everything else feels like I’m superwoman.  And what doesn’t get done, gets bumped to the next day. 

Bam!  Now that I’m up, hydrated, clear headed and worked out - all before my precious little monkeys stepped out of bed, I can greet them happily knowing that I can tend to their needs and not race everyone out the door without barely making eye contact.   I should add it to the list, but of course, next I eat breakfast.  This is a must for me since I fall into the 'hangry' category so easily.  When possible, I try my hardest to sit with the kids and eat, but honestly I’m still a work in progress.  I’m not perfect, no one is. There are days that I hit snooze and my body tells me I need to sleep in.  There are days that I’m lazy and pretend I didn’t hear the alarm.  I always regret this by the way.

My morning routine keeps me consistent.  That is my only super power.  I show up for myself so I can be there for others because you can’t give from an empty cup.  

I’m curious, do you have a morning routine? Comment below!

With love and gratitude, Lisa.png

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