How Can I Help You?


Virtual Healing

Receive a powerful combination of energy healing and individualized coaching through six 60-minute sessions. We reach deep into the subconscious to explore energetic blocks that are holding you back.

You’ll get crystal clear on your purpose, reprogram your mind to be your biggest cheerleader, and find peace within you didn’t know was possible.

Because life is too damn to not live up to your truest potential.


Reiki Sessions

A healing technique using channeled Reiki (universal life force energy) to activate the natural healing process and restore physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

Reiki is a gentle, safe, non-invasive holistic healing that I provide through light touch. As an intuitive healer, I take special care to balance your chakras and talk to you about your specific findings when the session is done.

Online Course

HEALING THROUGH THE CHAKRAS is my signature self-paced program designed to take you from feeling anxious, overwhelmed, and unfulfilled to calm, confident, and connected to your purpose.

Energetic blocks cause stagnancy in your life and disharmony in your relationships. Discover how past trauma can create stories that keep you stuck and dim your light.

HEALING THROUGH THE CHAKRAS is an 8-week program designed to facilitate a lifetime transformation. Each module is focused on in-depth chakra education and healing to align your energy and experience abundance!

Oracle and Tarot Card Readings

  • One Card Reading

    Are you looking for a little clarity on your current situation? One card will be intuitively pulled along with an email including the picture and interpretation.


  • 3 Card Reading

    3 card readings offer deeper insight into your current situation. Card pull options for this spread are Past/Present/Future or if you need help decision making we look at the energy of each choice. Option 1 - Option 2 - and the third card is general advice.


  • 7 Card Horseshoe Spread

    This seven-card reading is excellent for decision-making if you are unsure which direction to go. We look at past, present, and future outcomes. What energy is affecting your environment, hopes and fears, and optimal action for the best outcome.

    Best done in person or via zoom. E-mail option is available.


If you are looking to gain insight into your current situation, tarot card guidance can be incredibly revealing. Please include your name, birthday, and any information you feel is relevant so I can connect closely to your situation.

Payment can be made via Venmo @lisa-kern-20.

Reading will be completed within 24 hours of payment. Please e-mail me once the payment is processed.


In March 2020, I was in a building fire and lost everything I owned. As if that experience wasn’t traumatizing enough, I happened to have kidney stones at the same time. I was suffering mentally and emotionally from PTSD. Lisa performed reiki on me in hopes of alleviating the pain that I was in. Within 24 hours, the physical pain subsided, and some of my post-trauma OCD behaviors decreased. It was also the first time I slept a full night since the fire and my body finally felt like my own again.


Amazing doesn’t even being to explain my experience with Lisa! I went in not knowing what to expect, having no experience with reiki before this. Lisa provided a very tranquil environment and was able to answer any questions I had once my session was done. The experience is like no other and I could feel energy building from start to finish.

Lisa was able to connect with some of the issues I have been dealing with through reiki. My experience didn’t end when my hour was up, I continued to have increased energy and heal as they days went on.


I had exhausted my search for relief from my moderate, constant joint pain due to osteoarthritis, PTSD and subsequent depression. A friend had gone to Lisa and highly recommended her, so despite being skeptical I gave her a try. I can now whole-heartedly say that by the end of my session, I felt as though a weight had been lifted off of me. My body felt freer and lighter, my intrusive thoughts reduced, and I had an overall sense of peace that I had not felt in many years.
