5 Ways Angels Communicate With You

Angels are always trying to get your attention!

Angels are divine messengers who can provide guidance, wisdom, and support in our lives. While they exist on a higher plane, the spirit world has the ability to communicate with us in various ways if we are open and attuned to their messages.

In this blog post, we will explore 5 of the main ways angels connect with us humans.

Signs Your Angels Are Trying To Communicate With You

  1. Through Meditation & Dreams

The presence of your loved ones can be felt during sleep.

During sleep and meditation, it’s easier to tap into higher consciousness. Angels may send thoughts, visions, and feelings during these states. Pay attention to any dreams where angels or passed loved ones appear and examine the symbolism, knowing that Angels often appear in dreams with messages for you.

2. Signs and Synchronicities

Angels have creative ways of reaching out to send us messages. Some of the more common signs to watch for include finding feathers, coins, or recognizing meaningful lyrics in songs.

Feathers are the angels preferred way of communicating. They can easily drop them in your path. When you receive a feather, coin, or significant symbol from your angel guide, simply smile and acknowledge this message.

Staying alert to these little signals can add a touch of magic to your day!

3. Telepathic Communication

Telepathic communication involves receiving information directly in your mind, either through mentally 'hearing' it or knowing an answer intuitively without receiving actual information.

There are certain ‘Clair’ senses, or forms of psychic abilities, that help you connect to your intuition and receive communication from the spirit realm.

Clairvoyance “Clear Seeing” - a type of psychic ability where you ‘see’ things in your mind’s eye. It can show up as a memory, mental image, or daydream.

Clairaudience “Clear Hearning” - a type of psychic hearing when you receive guidance from spirit guides, angels, or your Higher Self. It can sound like your own voice or a thought that suddenly pops into your head.

Clairsentience “Clear Feeling” - Shows up as goosebumps, gut feelings, or feeling others’ emotions as if they are your own.

Claircognizance - “Clear Knowing” - a psychic ability that allows people to KNOW something without logical reason. It may show up as a sudden hunch, insight, or idea. Often referred to as a ‘sixth sense’.

4. Repeating Number Sequences

When I was first experiencing my spiritual awakening, I was fairly certain I was going crazy. I was seeing repeating numbers everywhere! The clock always seemed to read 11:11, I would see 444 on license plates and mailboxes, and I would see 547 (my mom’s birthday) seemingly everywhere.

But, I wasn’t going crazy - I was simply seeing angel numbers.

Angels use repeating number sequences to get your attention. It also means that you are in alignment and things are working out for you (which they always are 😉).

Each number sequence has meaning and a message. More than anything, when you see repeating numbers, it's an invitation to reflect on your thoughts.


Sometimes, inspiration seems to appear out of thin air. One moment your mind is wandering, and the next, an exciting idea pops into your head. It can feel like creativity is mysteriously flowing into your brain.

Angels can send information and energy directly into your energy field. This can feel like a sudden insight or inspiration. Stay open and receptive to those bursts of creative energy, wherever they may come from. Have your journal ready when this happens! You may need time to sort through and interpret these messages.

The point is, that angels are always near. Your angel guides and spirit team wants you to know that they love and support you… always!

Try getting quiet through meditation, noticing your dreams, looking for signs and inner guidance, and seeing what angelic messages may come your way.


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