The Third Eye Chakra

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The third eye chakra, also referred to as Ajna in Sanskrit, is the sixth chakra in the energy system. This chakra is associated with our intuition, inner wisdom and vision. The function of the third eye is driven by the ability to have a greater perspective on life and being open to what may be.

As the highest chakra in the physical body, the third eye is related to the “sixth sense” or that feeling of just knowing.

(If you’re just now checking out this series, start with my first post on the root chakra.)

Where is it located?

The third eye chakra is located in the center of the forehead. It can also be described as being located behind the eyes in the middle of the head. Each chakra vibrates a particular sense of frequency and energy that impacts certain parts of the body. For the third eye it’s the pineal gland which is in charge of regulating our biorhythms (sleep and wake cycles), the eyes, and sinuses.

The third eye chakra has a feminine energy and it’s mantra is, “I see.”

What do third eye imbalances look like?

If there is an imbalance in the third eye chakra, you may experience physical or emotional symptoms.

Physical imbalances may manifest as tension in the brow area, headaches, vision problems, sinus issues, hearing problems, or dizziness.

Common emotional problems self-doubt, worry, overthinking, close-mindedness, feeling stuck in the daily grind, or relying on others for validation and permission.

Spiritually, one may feel like they don’t have a purpose or experience lack of clarity. For some, it may be either end of the spectrum; being too rooted in reality or feeling lost in daydreams.

An open and balanced third eye chakra allows for clear thought, self reflection and connection to inner wisdom.

How to Unblock the Third Eye Chakra

Meditation is a great tool for balancing chakras. Envisioning an indigo light flowing in and out of the center of the forehead, cleansing the third eye of any stuck or negative energy is helpful, as well as following a guided meditation specifically designed to open the third eye chakra.

A more physical way to ground the heart chakra would be to practice yoga to enhance the mind/body connection. Yoga poses that activate this chakra are eagle, dolphin pose, childs pose, fish pose and/or a a shoulder stand.

Reiki, a holistic modality that addresses energetic imbalances in the body, can also be extremely beneficial in unblocking chakras. It’s also powerful in feeling relaxed and supported.

Aromatherapy and use of essential oils like basil, geranium, frankincense and myrrh are widely believed to benefit this chakra.

Gemstones and crystals can target the third chakra energy also. Gemstones for this chakra include amethyst, charoite, labradorite and angelite.

Additionally, deep blue and purple foods like blueberries and eggplant can help realign the third eye. Lastly, keeping a dream journal or writing out your thoughts after a meditation can help you gain clarity and balance this chakra.

Affirmations for the third eye chakra include:

Third Eye Chakra positive affirmations

The Other Chakras

Muladhara (Root)

Svadhisthana (Sacral)

Manipura (Solar Plexus)

Vishuddha (Throat)

Sahaswara (Crown)

Want a quick reference to the Chakra system?

Check out my FREE Ultimate Chakra Guide!


The Crown Chakra


The Throat Chakra